A few months ago during the cold, dark Berlin winter, there was a little ray of sunshine that brightened it up.
The lovely Valerie Khoo, Sydney-based award-winning Journalist, Director of the Sydney Writer’s Centre and Editor of Latte Magazine (the magazine of Business Chicks – Australia’s largest female business and mentoring network) got in touch. She wanted to know if I would be interested to share my experiences with Latte readers of life as an expat and the transition to starting a new career as a freelance writer and consultant in Berlin.
Of course I jumped at the chance and remember that it was a fantastic interview, with lots of questions I needed to answer and the requisite last-minute emails bouncing back and forth before the deadline. I had almost forgotten about it. Except that this afternoon I received the hard copy of the magazine in the post.
The story on yours truly definitely went to print!
Click here.