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How tapping into connection and community create impact: International Women’s Day 2022

Writer's picture: Petra ZlatevskaPetra Zlatevska

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

How did you mark International Women’s Day this year?

After two years of lockdown-induced live events, it was a thrill and honour to MC an IWD breakfast at Bondi Hardware Restaurant in Sydney, bringing together impactful, global gamechangers from all over Sydney and all walks of life, itching to steup and make a difference in the face of local and global adversity.

This was a salon-format rather than corporate gathering: where all attendees felt encouraged to participate and speak.

It truly was a morning of CONNECTION and COMMUNITY.

Karen Levin Founder& Director The Equanimity Project addressed us on her lived experience as a survivor of relationship abuse and the tools we need to activate our own personal agency to empower ourselves and in turn be able to intervene when a woman (or man) we know is experiencing abuse. The Equanimity Project volunteers work tirelessly to get these strong, brave women back on their feet.

Women’s Coach Alina Rose Berdi adressed the group on her 15+ years work as an executive coach: which isn’t about converting to a new “mindset” but re-igniting self-worth and how when that is eroded, it sets the stage for an inability to work & function normally in life.

It was a wonderful panel Q&A with lots of audience involvement, stories and perspectives shared.

And true to Petra style, I made the group write down 1 small thing they could do to make a positive impact in their own lives or in the life of someone they knew experiencing a hard time.

➡️ Did you know that…?

💡more than a quarter of women in Australia have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetimes?

💡 United Nations has recognised gender-based violence against women and children as a global public health problem: it is one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under pillar 5 of gender equality and there is a call for its elimination in target 5.2.

💡Global estimates of surveys conducted between 2000 and 2018 indicate that 27% of women aged 15-49 have experienced physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence in their lifetime, with 13% experiencing this violence within the past year.

Thankyou everyone for coming and to our one male guest(!) Dr Mike for acknowledging that men are willing to be part of the conversation and the solution!

Please enjoy the gallery below, as well as a link to how you can donate to The Equanimity Project.

Here’s to renewed connection!


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